#1. NAS or better file server for managing large amounts of datas (films, photos, medias, personal documents) 24/7 with low power consumption.
#2. Computing power for multimedia (video/photo/sound) editing, encoding for specific momentum uses (no more 24/7 power on).
RESULTS : 2 computers instead of 1?
Today's best CPU+Motherboard+RAM is only 2x faster than 5 years ago for the same power consumption (70-130W).Latest Intel i7 3770K CPU + 8-16GB DDR3 RAM + Motherboard cost about 400€ today for 'only' 2x the encoding and overall speed of my actual Intel Q6600 Quad Core CPU + 4GB DDR2 RAM.
HD4000, the GPU (Graphic Processor Unit) of Intel i7 Ivy Bridge is very similar in performance to my actual cheap 2 year old passive graphic card HD5450. I am stunned it is no better. Power consumptions of the 2 GPUs are almost the same @idle and @100%.
Overall, 400€ seem expensive for an upgrade from which there is no hope to gain much power economy nor more than just a few minutes on heavy tasks like encoding that can run by night anyway. I may not upgrade before the gain/cost appears much more worth it.
#1 A power-wise more efficient 24/7 NAS/homeserver seems to maybe offer more perspective of evolution and gain/cost advantages.
There are several options so I will investigate that.
This http://www.willudesign.com/BlackDwarfTop.html very much looks like my dream tool. Am I alone?
First of all let me tell you, you have got a great blog .I am interested in looking for more of such topics and would like to have further information. Hope to see the next blog soon.
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