Google Chrome* CRASH on Flash every 10 webpages browsed? *(Version 24.0.1312.56 m on Win7 Pro 64bits)
After a month of nightmare in constant crashes, I got the idea of this radical SOLUTION that works for me. And I hope for you too.0. UNINSTALL / REINSTALL CHROME
I edit the original post to add this now. Uninstalling Chrome + fresh install sometimes proved to resolve it all without even the need for the next steps.
In chrome address bar, type: chrome://extensions and deactivate a maximum of all those accumulated extensions you don't use daily.2. CHOOSE ADOBE FLASH PLUG-IN OVER CHROME'S
Go to chrome://plugins and deactivate Chrome Flash Plug-in while keeping Adobe's one, as described in the chrome://plugins FIX.3. Do that to ALL your Chrome USER PROFILES if you have.
That's right! And Google Chrome finally works now.That resolved my issues. Well, not entirely but at least 95% stable instead of 85% UNstable.
4. If it worked for you too, thank me & click an add on this page. Then share or leave a comment if it saved your life :)
My configuration :
Since I migrated from Windows XP Home 32 bits to Windows Seven Pro 64 bits, the same Chrome profiles that worked smoothly before became totally unstable and crashed on so many Flash plugged-in webpages. That's when you discover how many they are. HTML5 only pages are so awaited!! Flash has only been a security and crash nightmare since day one.I had tried in vain the famous chrome://plugins FIX alone with every possible combinations but it never worked. I even uninstalled/re-installed Chrome and/or Flash independent Plugin in all possible combinations, then switched between all. Nothing seemed to make Chrome more stable. It always crashed painfully at the worst time, right in the middle of working with 6-12 tabs open on pages any other browser (Firefox, IE8/9) never fails on.
DEACTIVATING ALL EXTENSIONS you don't use on a daily basis finally resolved the issue. I don't really miss those and if I ever occasionally do, I can always reactivate them cause I did not delete them. Yet! Only 2 extensions left active for me: Chrome to Phone & Checker Plus for Gmail, out of a dozen installed over time before. I still don't know which extension exactly crashed Chrome and I don't plan on looking for it now.